Sterling Energy Efficient
We build superior homes ....from the inside out
We build only Sterling Energy Efficient homes because it matters. Let’s face it, older homes have inefficiencies that waste money through inadequate heating and cooling systems, poor insulation, electricity gobbling appliances and drafty windows. If your going to buy a new home, doesn't it make sense to invest in a home with higher standards to help you live better?
If you’re in the market for a new home, here’s a handful of reasons why you should consider purchasing new construction that is Sterling Energy Efficient.
1. Sterling Energy Efficient homes are a better insulated home.
Without adequate attic insulation, as much as 20% of every dollar spent on home heating goes right through the roof. When you buy an Energy Efficient home you're sure that as many drafty cracks as can be found are sealed. Spaces between windows and insulated walls are filled with air stopping foam to prevent drafts and heat loss. And each wall and ceiling cavity is filled with more insulation to offset costly heating and cooling bills.
2. Sterling Energy Efficient homes are dressed with High Performance windows & doors.
Each Sterling Home is constructed using high quality windows & doors that help keep heat in during the winter and out during the summer. Our windows use protective coatings called Low E glass and our windows are filled with an argon gas to insure the highest efficiency and to block harmful UV rays from entering your home. Our homes use windows that consistently surpass local codes.
3. Tight Construction and HVAC ducts.
Did you know that HVAC ducts and poorly sealed building envelopes can result in both higher utility bills and poor indoor air quality? The same cracks and unsealed ducts that let your money flow out also let in drafts, moisture, pollens, dusts and exterior noise. Our homes are tested to insure they exceed the required perimeters to help reduce utility costs and maintenance.
4. We build using only High Efficiency HVAC systems.
Not only do they costs less to operate, a properly sized and high quality HVAC system operates quieter, reduces indoor humidity and makes your home generally a more comfortable place to live. And when the right sized equipment is installed into a well built home the systems don’t have to work as hard to heat and cool your home.
#5. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
We are always looking for ways to improve, so when we found out that Geothermal heating/cooling was up to 500% more efficient than fossil fuel and that it could save our homeowners up to 70% on their heating and cooling bills; that got our attention. So much so that we started including Geothermal standard –yes, standard in a few of our neighborhoods. Geothermal not only cuts down on your monthly bills, but it also emits no hazardous fumes, is quiet as a mouse and allows our homeowners to be eligible for tax incentives.
6. Quality products help bring it all together!
Not only is the sticks and bricks construction crafted to a higher standard, but the products that finish our homes help make the most of every day life. From certified lighting fixtures and compact fluorescent bulbs to air exchanging ventilation fans and Energy Star rated appliances, a Sterling Home helps you live better everyday.